Minggu, 28 Mei 2017

Task About The Speech

Question :

1. What is speech?
2. What is the aspect of the speech and what we must do before delivering the speech?
3. Mention the topic of your speech!

Answer :

1. Speech is the expression of or the abillity to express  thoughts and feelings by articulat sounds and speech is a formal address or discourse delivered to an audience.

2. a. Aspect of the speech is :
       1. Intonation, it is an important thing because it win affect the content of the speech.
       2. The style when you delivering the speech
       3. The content of the speech, first greetings, the topic of the speech and closing.
       4. Fluency when the delivering the speech
       5. Performance
   b. What we must do before the speech :
       1. Extinguised the topic of the speech
       2. Train the style when you delivering the speech
       3. Train the intonation when delivering the speech

3. Topic the speech each person :
    1. Vania Antonius            : Culture
    2. Dina Yati Sinaga          : Education
    3. Uray Amira Naselia     : Human Psychological and Science
    4. Erana Maymuna          : Social
    5. Edi Supriadi                 : Social and Culture

Rabu, 17 Mei 2017

My Activities For a Week

Hello readers today I want to share about my activites for a week...

On Monday, I went to the local library to look for materials related to the basic chemistry lab work.

On Tuesday, I was working on a journal and lab report that had been done last week.

On Wednesday, I practiced basic chemistry on determining levels of aspirin and vitamin c by titrimetric methods. After that I went to follow the technical meeting of the cadre activity, but canceled because no one came.

On Thursday, I consulted with the assistant about the report being made. After that I went to the technical meeting of the cadre, and we will carry out the closing activities of the cadre on this Saturday

On Friday, I was packed with lectures, from morning to evening, and it was very tiring

On Saturday and last week, I attended a cadre activity in Rekadena, Kubu Raya.

Okay that's all my activities for a week. Thanks for reading...

Sabtu, 13 Mei 2017

My Business In The Future

Hello readers today I want to share about my business in the future.....

Business is something that can increase a person earning's. Business interest is the business that could be someone's hobby and desire. In the future, I would like to have a restaurant business. The reason I chose the restaurant business because business is so fun, living although many competition. In addition I also love with culinary, so business restaurant is the perfect, and the restaurant also sells food staples that people need.

On the terms of design I chose the theme restaurant healthy, because I am a chemist. The design of the restaurant is a restaurant that carried healthy simple with traditional custom. On the options menu is used the style of British people, there are food entrees, food dishes, and desserts. However, the contents in the menu remains in the form of traditional food. 

In the restaurant's healthy will also provide health consultation with regard to the right to choose foods made in consumption, according to the wishes and criteria of the customer and in accordance with the needs of calories. In addition, the restaurant healthy also provide diet consultation programme for customers who want to start a diet for weight loss but the intake of energy and nutritional needs are met.

Okay, that my business in the future... thanks for reading, see you next post.....

Jumat, 05 Mei 2017

Dialog About The Robot

Hello readers, today I want to share my task about the robot. now see my video at the below....

okay, thanks for watching my video. see you next post...